Aero Tech Epoxy 25ml
Specially designed for bonding composite mouldings.
Non-drip with strong visible joints, 24 hr set.
Deluxe Materials is delighted to announce a brand new product, “Aero Tech epoxy”, specially designed for bonding composite mouldings.
Aero Tech is specially formulated epoxy for bonding composite mouldings.
The syringe dispenses epoxy resin and hardener in equal parts ready for thorough mixing.
Aero tech fills gaps & forms visible fillets for the highest possible joint strength.
It is ideal for formers, engine & undercarriage mounts, servo mounts & bulkheads Gels in 3-4 hours, full cure in 24hrs.
Aero Tech epoxy Bonds: Epoxy GRP, carbon fibre, aluminum alloy, ply & hardwood etc.
Deluxe Materials said “We are particularly proud of the new “Aero tech epoxy Glue which we expect to be the first of a new line of products for advanced scale models.
25ml twin syringe.