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Ssm1 Block Signalling Station Stop Module Infra~Red

Station Stop Module with Infra-Red Detection
Based on our Shuttle Module (SAS2-IR) which automatically operates a train backwards and forwards along a single line.
Has additional programs to operate a train clockwise and anticlockwise around a loop,stopping automatically at a station platform.
Train detection using Infra-red sensors (no track cutting required) to ensure the correct stopping point on each run.
Waiting times can be set by the user and are adjustable or can be set to random.
Optional Route Indication leds can be connected to show train waiting,or in transit along the line.
Optional 2-aspect signals can be connected,and will switch to green three seconds before train departs, and back to red two seconds later.
Retains all the existing functions of the SAS2-IR to give flexibility of reuse.
The BLOCKsignalling Station Stop Module (SSM1) is based on the Simple Automatic
Shuttle SAS2-IR which can to automate a DC model train running backwards and forwards
along a single length of track. The SSM1 can further operate trains around a loop with a station,
stopping the trains at the station and changing the direction at each departure (if required).
At each end of the track, or at the station,
an Infra-Red sensor is fixed below the track to detect the train which stops when the module switches off the track power.
The train waits without power until the track current is switched back on and the train then automatically starts travelling again.
Depending on the settings, this can be in alternate directions on each run.
This action is repeated at each end of the line or at the station stop.
The module is fully programmable, and can be to selected to fixed or random waiting time at one or both ends of the line,
and can also be programmed for the maximum waiting time.
Each of the relays are rated at 10A for long life (traction current is typically 0.5A to 1A).
Power Supply
The controller is designed for use with a DC power supply of between 8V and 25V, or an AC power supply of between 8V and 16V.
Where there is a choice, the recommended power supply is 12V DC.
If the track power is above 8V, this can be used to prower the module.
Stock Level: 2
Price: £24.95

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